Rilke's Duino Elegies: Fifth Elegy, translation co-authored with Tony Brinkley. Cerise Press. We also comment on translating Rilke.
Rilke's Cemetery by the Sea, translation co-authored with Tony Brinkley. Ezra Translation.
This translation of Rilke's translation of Valéry's "Le Cimetière Marin" to some extent follows John Felstiner's example of translating Celan's translations into English. Rilke discovered Valéry for the first time when he read "Le Cimetière" in 1921. He immediately translated the poem and that experience became a kind of catalyst for finishing the "Duino Elegies" and composing the "Sonnets to Orpheus." The Valéry seems to have opened a poetic space that had closed for Rilke during World War I. Rilke always considered the translation to be one of his major works, but it is hardly been noticed outside of Rilke-Valéry scholarship. It quite wonderfully offers Valéry becoming Rilke.